How to Write an Impressive Executive Summary for Your Marketing Plan

Writing a marketing plan with a compelling executive summary will help you captivate the attention of your readers and investors.
As a business professional with a small business, you may or may not know how to write an executive summary that wows investors — this article provides valuable information that will potentially help you create an outstanding one.
What is an Executive Summary
An executive summary is the framework or overview of your marketing plan, highlighting key elements of the Plan, including short term and long term goals. It summarizes each crucial part of the marketing plan and is essential to get your viewers’ attention without reading the whole Plan; therefore you need to make it convincing. Carefully craft every portion of the Summary so that the reader will be inspired to dive into the marketing plan further; this could be the only way to get investors interested in your project. You should not attempt to compose the Summary before completing the Plan, as you may be wasting much of your valuable time. Compose it as soon as your marketing plan is complete.
Three Important Parts to Consider When Writing Your Executive Summary
Below are three areas that are typical for an executive summary. Remember, investors are interested in how your proposal will benefit them, so convincingly summarize the main parts of your marketing plan. While the information may vary from business to business, these are quintessential:
1. The background of your business – Identity who you are as a business—providing a brief description, which includes your business name, location, the year founded, revenue history and the goal for the upcoming year.
2. Product and Services – A brief description of your products or services is necessary, as well as those you plan to acquire or launch. You should also state how your product or service will offer an opportunity to solve a problem.
3. Marketing Objectives/Goals – Your objectives should be S.M.A.R.T. –specific, measurable, achievable/attainable, relevant, and time-bound. This could consist of how you plan to build brand awareness, increase sales, amongst others.
4. Marketing strategy – Provide an overview of how you intend to create consumer value. Also, identify your target audience.
5. Revenue Goal – Make sure that readers have a clear understanding of your revenue goal.
Read more about writing a concise overview as it can drive your company to higher altitudes.
The executive summary is the core of your marketing plan; invest your time in writing a solid one.
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