How to Create a Successful Brand Identity for Baby Boomer Entrepreneurs

Are you a Baby Boomer entrepreneur looking to create a successful brand identity? Did you notice that more and more brands are emerging every day? Some die in no time, or prominence slowly fades, while others create a dominant market presence. Ever wonder why?
According to Richard Branson, Virgin Group Founder, “Too many companies want their brands to reflect some idealized, perfected image of themselves. As a consequence, their brands acquire no texture, no character, and no public trust.”
In today’s market, Baby Boomers are increasingly starting a business.
“…entrepreneurs over age 50 make up more than half of America’s small business owners.”
The generation of Baby Boomers includes those aged 51 to 69. Many Boomer entrepreneurs confront the challenge of creating and maintaining an authoritative identity, have no character, and lack texture and consumers’ trust—although some are tech-savvy and can fill the void with innovations to create a vibrant brand, most are grappling for ways to make their stories come alive and need a little more diversification to distinguish their brand; often, they seek ways to reach their target audience, but no clear pathways to brand success; they are happy to share their brand stories, but the generation of Baby Boomers is less involved in finding options for sharing their stories, creating brand identity and awareness and ultimately establishing brand equity for long term success; nevertheless, they continue to find ways to start a business.
But then! How do they establish a successful brand identity?
If you are a Baby Boomer entrepreneur, this guide will provide you with an understanding of brand concepts and how to create a brand identity for potential success in the marketplace.
Understand Your Brand – What is a Brand?
Ideally, a brand defines who you are—it distinguishes a product, service, or person from another. “Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room,” Amazon, CEO Jeff Bezos said.
“A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another.”
– Seth Godin
So said, it’s essential to know that many misapply the word “brand” sometimes, using it interchangeably with branding, brand identity, or brand image. All of these, though linked, play a critical part in the creation of a brand; however, they should be succinctly distinguished.
Let’s make a clear distinction between how each term is applied when you create your brand.
What is Brand Identity?
Brand identity is your brand’s identifiable elements, such as the logo, typeface, color, sound, tagline, among others — it is how your customers will recognize you and create a connection. Take a look at McDonald’s golden arches; the core of its new brand identity is used clearly and creatively throughout its communications.
What is Branding?
Branding is not the same as brand identity. Branding is the actions taken to cultivate or shape a brand, such as creating a logo, selecting colors for your brand, building your website, designing your graphics, selecting the tone of your brand, among others. It is about helping customers understand who you are and differentiating your brand. Now, Let’s look at the Coca-Cola branding—as you can see, it is distinct and recognizable across the globe.
What is a Brand Image?
Brand image is how consumers perceive your brand. It is a painted picture in the minds of consumers and perceived differently by each one. Hence, establishing a consistent message is critical. Amazon has painted a vivid brand image in the minds of its consumers—It’s powerhouse e-commerce that Baby Boomers seem to love.
Now you have a clear understanding of these terms, defining your brand is the first thing you should consider.
Define Your Brand
Defining your unique brand is critical in brand development. Here are a few tips that you should embark on to develop your brand and project your voice so that consumers will know who you are:
• Write your mission and vision statements.
• Envision how the use of your products or services will benefit your
• Your offer must be clear to consumers, so document the features of your
products or services.
• Importantly, ask yourself, what impression consumers have of your
business, and how do you want to be perceived by your customers?
Now it’s time to act!
Create Your Brand Identity
Creating a strong brand identity requires work, so you might want to seek the help needed to achieve this task.
Also, don’t be afraid to be competitive. To survive in today’s ferocious market, you will need to exude confidence in pursuing your brand, so be creative and develop an exclusive, authentic, and scalable brand—showcase your brand like none other.
Here are some tips you might want to consider when creating a strong brand identity:
- Establish your brand message. It’s about the promise you make to consumers. It’s what resonates with the needs and desires of your audience, making them want to buy your products or services. Therefore, incorporate your message into every piece of communication and marketing efforts, including a beautiful website.
- Establish your brand personality, the traits that contribute to your brand. What would you like to be known for—For example, would you like to be known for quality and innovation? Then project your brand’s personality accordingly.
- Establish your brand voice and tone. For example, communicate your voice through a distinctive sound, appealing imagery, and astute writing, etc. Get the right unique tone—it’s about what you say and how you go about saying it.
- Create a distinguishable logo and use it on all communication.
- Design templates for your marketing materials so that you can consistently cascade your message.
- Create a catchy slogan that is simple and memorable for your audience. Here are a few examples:
- Walmart – “Save Money. Live Better”
- Capital One – “What’s in Your Wallet?”
- Nike – “Just Do It” .
So What?
As new ideas emerge, Baby Boomers are almost without limit. For more significant advantage over younger entrepreneurs, Boomers can leverage their years of experience, resources, and network as they drive business growth. Boomer entrepreneurs will undoubtedly face challenges in building a successful brand; however, with consistency and commitment to establish a recognizable brand identity, consumers will instinctively know who you are, and you will become more than just a name.
So, help consumers understand what to expect from you and position your brand to skyrocket.
What’s your thought? Are you ready to create a successful brand identity?
Check out these articles—learn further how to maintain an eminent brand image and create strong brand equity for long term business success.
“Focus on building the best possible business. If you are great, people will notice and opportunities will appear.”
– Mark Cuban, Dallas Mavericks Owner
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