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How Integrated Marketing Communication Build Strong Brand Identity

Integrated marketing communication is essential in building brand identity in today’s competitive marketplace. Information should be synergized and not disconnected or seen as discombobulating.

You will also need to know your business and marketing objectives to effectively implement integrated marketing.

This article identifies four benefits of how integrated marketing communication can be advantageous for your brand.

What is Integrated Marketing Communication?

It is the consistency of promotional messages across different channels or platforms. These channels include digital media, advertising, direct marketing, public relations, amongst others. Knowing your objectives will help you express your message clearly and cohesively to your target audience.

What is Brand Identity?

In theory, brand identity is how the brand feels, looks, and appeals to the consumer. Your brand should be inspired visually and stand out from the competition.

Four Benefits of Integrated Marketing

1. Expanding your brand awareness – effectively positioning your brand through integrated marketing helps in brand recognition. Consumers will quickly identify and distinguish your brand from the competition.

2. Providing brand credibility – The way consumers perceive your brand across different platforms is key to achieving success. As business professionals, your message should reflect your brand as reputable by delivering on its promises.

3. Building a relationship with consumers – interconnecting your message across various platforms, will bring clarity and provide the opportunity for consumers to get to know, connect, and trust your brand. This could develop into a healthy business relationship.

4. Increasing sales – with a unified message across channels, customers are more likely to become interested in your deal, which might lead to more leads and increased sales.

Learn more about how you can use integrated marketing communication to distinguish your brand from the competition.

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